'Designers and manufacturers closer together'

Our philosophy presents co-makership as a very important fundament of doing business in the fashion industry. In this line the October edition 1999 of Drapers Record mentions an initiative which 'brings designers and manufacturers closer together'. The British Fashion Council brought designers and manufacturers in the United Kingdom together in a series of workshops. The goal of these workshops is to improve relationships between these two 'fashion authorities' by allowing them to make contact and discuss barriers to business.

Ken Watson, director of the Apparel & Textile Challenge (one of the co-sponsors): "The project will make sure manufacturers understand designer requirements and can assess whether they are at the right level. We have found that manufacturers find it difficult to market themselves and that they are not aware of the opportunities that exist."

We at ISC are happy with this initiative. Because by working closely together, we are confident a viable system can be built that can be tailored to meet specific needs. In this way co-makership creates competitive advantage. So we all are able to offer our customers quality clothing that represents the very best value for their money.